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TMJ (TMD) Therapy

Your jaw (or your temporomandibular joint) is considered one of the most complex joint systems in your body that, together with the ligaments and muscles attached, completes important, everyday survival tasks such as speaking, eating, and yawning. Millions of people, along with our patients in Burlington, experience jaw problems that result in chronic headaches.

Temporomandibular joint and muscle disorders, “TMD” for short,” are a group of disorders that affect the temporomandibular joint, or “TMJ.” Joint problems can be caused by a variety of things, including injuries and diseases like arthritis. Headaches may be attributed to an improper bite, clenching/grinding, and/or muscle spasms of the face and neck. An unstable bite can cause muscle strain and pain, even possible joint displacement.

Signs and symptoms of TMD to be aware of:

  • Clenching and grinding (also called bruxism)

  • Headaches, facial and neck pain

  • Problems with trying to open your mouth wide

  • Jaw that get stuck either opening or closing

  • Clicking, popping or a grating noise in the joint when opening and closing

  • Ear pain and related symptoms

Treat Jaw Problems with Us at Burlington’s Cornerstone Dental

Treating Temporomandibular Disorders

Fortunately, most of our Burlington patients with joint problems recover on their own. However, you can take proactive measures by massaging and relaxing your jaw muscles, avoiding opening your mouth too widely, and avoiding tough, chewy, and hard foods. You’ll know your jaw is properly relaxed if your teeth are slightly apart, your tongue is on the roof of your mouth, and there is a slight gap between your upper and lower teeth.

If your jaw problems won’t go away, treatment options include physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment, behavioural therapy, and medication. If you are experiencing jaw problems in Burlington, visit us at Cornerstone Dental.

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